🍁 It’s Fall, You Know What That Means...

Fall is here and, along with pumpkin-spiced everything, it's time for some seasonal home TLC! 


Now, I let you get all the way to October so we really need to get serious around here. Gahhh…Halloween is so fun though isn’t it!


OK, before you get lost in a maze of corn, maybe consider just briefly running through this list on a Saturday morning. I promise you will feel good about heading into those colder temps and we can keep your home cozy and in tip-top shape before the holidays!


  • Leaf it to the Professionals: Keep those gutters clean! Falling leaves are pretty, but when they clog up your gutters, they can lead to water damage. That’s the worst! Trust me, I’ve seen it!

  • Chim-chiminey, Chim-chiminey, Chim-chim-cheree: Before lighting up that fireplace, ensure your chimney is swept and clear. A clean chimney is a happy chimney!

  • Seal the Deal: Check doors and windows for any drafts and seal them up. Not only will it keep you warm, but it will also save on those heating bills!

  • Heater Sneak Peek: Before the cold sneaks up, have a professional inspect your heating system. You want that warm and fuzzy feeling to kick in when the chill arrives!

  • Winterize Your Pipes: Prevent burst pipes by insulating them now. No one wants a surprise winter water park in their home. I found these on Amazon recently, I wanted to share! These are great for the spigots.


Alright, Didn’t mean to add work to your plate, but hop to it and have a blast! Remember, a bit of maintenance now means more hot cocoa and fireside Hallmark movies later!


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